Expecting Multiples?

What Do You Need To Know?

Did you just find out you’re expecting multiples? Possibly Twins? Triplets? Or Quads? Try and stay calm, we understand this can be an overwhelming time but we’re here to help, we understand there are thousands of things running through your mind but here is a short and honest list of things you should know as you prepare to welcome multiple babies into your life.

How Multiples Are Conceived:

Sometimes conceiving twins is completely spontaneous those pregnancies account for 1 in every 250 natural pregnancies. However, conceiving multiples can also have a little push from science. With the help of reproductive technology such as IVF the chances of conceiving multiples are around 20% - 30%. There are many factors that go into conceiving multiples, but only fraternal multiples as identical multiples in any combination are completely random, there is no way to increase your chances of conceiving identical twins or multiples in any way.

Fraternal Twins:

Fraternal twins are the most common (All Twin Types) type of twins, they occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm. In this case the twins each have their own placenta and their own amniotic sac. This means the babies can be the same gender or opposite genders. If you didn’t know already there are also several ways to increase your chances of having fraternal twins.

  • The first being genetics, if fraternal twins run on your (moms’) side of the family your chances increase of having fraternal twins. The father’s DNA does not play a part in the conceiving of twins, only whether or not the eggs are fertilized.

  • Age also increases the chances of conceiving twins; this is true for both natural pregnancies and IVF pregnancies. If you are over 35 years of age you are 4x more likely to conceive twins naturally or with the help of assisted reproductive technology than a younger woman. This is because of hormonal changes that can cause more than one egg to be releases at a time.

  • Height is another factor, when it comes to conceiving twins. Women who are at least 5’4” are about 1.5-2 times more likely to have twins than women who are 5’1” or shorter.

  • Women who are overweight, also have a higher chance of conceiving twins especially if their BMI (body mass index) is above 30. On the other hand, women who are underweight (BMI<18.5) have a smaller chance of conceiving twins.

  • Diet is believed to have an impact on your chances of having twins as well. A study showed that diets that include animal products such as dairy enhance the odds of a multiple pregnancy, so much so that it can make it up to 5 times more likely.

  • Ancestry also has a lot to do with twins and multiples. 1 out of 30 people of European ancestry will likely have a twin brother or sister. On the other hand, 1 out of 70 people of Asian ancestry are a member of a twin pair. 1 in 12 people of African, specifically Nigerian ancestry are a member of a twin pair.

  • Having twins previously increases your chances of having twins again.

  • Last using assisted reproduction treatments/technology such as IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and OI (Ovulation Induction) is also one of the main causes of the steep increase in twin births.

Identical Twins:

Identical twins or multiples are less common than their fraternal counterparts. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits and develops into two separate fetuses for twins. In the case of triplets, the fertilized egg would split three times creating three identical children, which has a probability of 1 in a million chances of happening. Identical multiples share a placenta and either share an amniotic sac or share a placenta and each have separate amniotic sacs. Genetically the children are identical, they will be the same sex, share the same physical traits and the same characteristics. Your chances of having identical twins or multiples are relatively rare, only around 3 to 4 sets per 1,000 births are identical births. There is also no way to increase your odds of having identical twins like there are with fraternal twins. Identical twins and multiples are 100% spontaneous. It is interesting to note that triplets or any other higher order multiples can be identical, fraternal or a combination of both, not one or the other.

Diagnosing A Twin Pregnancy:

You likely found out you were having twins or multiples through an ultrasound, as this is primarily how most people find out they are carrying more than one baby. During an ultrasound, sound waves are used to create images of your uterus and baby – or in this case babies! Unfortunately, sometimes a seemingly normal twin pregnancy is later found to only have one baby. This is known as vanishing twin syndrome. Such an episode can be heartbreaking, frustrating, and confusing. Often there is no clear explanation for the loss.

What Multiples Mean for You:

Taking care of yourself is the best way to take care of your babies. You can expect:

  • More frequent checkups – you’ll need to see your healthcare provider often to track your babies’ growth and development, monitor your health, and watch for signs of preterm labor. You might need frequent ultrasounds or other tests, especially as your pregnancy progresses.

  • More weight gain – gaining the right amount of weight can support your babies’ health. For twins, the recommended is typically 37 to 54 pounds (or about 17 to 25 kilograms) for women who have a normal weight before pregnancy. This can typically be accomplished by eating an extra 600 calories a day. Work with your healthcare provider to determine what is right for you.

  • Earlier Delivery – if labor doesn’t start on its own first, your healthcare provider might recommend labor induction or a cesarian birth at a certain point in your third trimester to decrease the risk of complications throughout the rest of the third trimester. Twin deliveries are around the 37th week of pregnancy, which is considered full-term. However, they rarely last that long, and twins are often earthside around the 35th week mark.

  • One Pregnancy, Multiple Children - having multiple children is also like a 2 for 1 deal or any other combination of multiples for 1. This can be especially beneficial if you are someone who had/is having a difficult pregnancy but always wanted multiple children.

  • Automatic Siblings - having multiples means that your babies have built in siblings, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Multiples have already spent months togethers and moving forward will continue to grow and develop at similar paces.

  • Expenses - having multiple children at once can also cost quite a few extra dollars. Not only do you have to buy two, three or four of many things or even 20 or 30 of others like bottles but you also have expenses like diapers, wipes, and medical bills to cover, that you would normally only have to cover for one baby at a time not multiple.
