Navigating Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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Today, each time you turn on the television, listen to the radio, or talk with friends, COVID-19 is all anyone seems to talk about, making it extremely difficult to escape the constant feeling of uncertainty. Each day we anxiously anticipate the new number of cases and deaths among vulnerable populations around the world, posing the big question, “Are expecting mothers at a higher risk?”

Whether you are having your first or second child, the journey of experiencing pregnancy is full of excitement and happiness, but it can also be extremely overwhelming. Pregnancy is already accompanied by an array of different emotions throughout the trimesters and for mothers expecting amidst a global outbreak, feelings such as nervousness and fear can become heightened and significantly interfere with what is supposed to be a joyous milestone. Here at High Country Doulas we are diligently working to support you and your baby’s needs during this stressful time. Although the current social distancing measures interfere with normal day to day life, we are still here to support you and your baby during each step of the pregnancy! Below are some useful resources that address many questions you might be having, some tips on how to take care of your mental health when feeling moments of panic, and how our team can help you the most.

Is it safe to go to my prenatal appointments?

Among our region, we are lucky to have few to no cases of pregnant women affected by the coronavirus, assuring that our medical facilities are practicing proper prevention methods. Many medical facilities have modified their patient visit policies (like more tele-health appointments) in order to assure the wellbeing of their patients.

As we all know, face masks are now the new style! For expecting mothers that need to go to doctors offices for check ups and or prenatal care appointments, grab your protective gear to protect from any possible contaminants and also follow the correct social distancing guidelines.

If you have white coat syndrome or have a big visit that is making you anxious you can rest assured that though partners aren’t always allowed, they can FaceTime, call or virtual call into your visit to reassure you and to ask providers any questions that they may have about you or the baby.

If I have COVID-19, can I give it to my baby?

According to the CDC, low-risk pregnant persons are not at a greater risk of contracting the coronavirus, however they are more susceptible to getting sick from respiratory viruses. With this in mind it is very important for mothers to best protect themselves when going out in public and properly washing their hands frequently. As far as current data shows, it is safe & recommended to breastfeed and no study has shown COVID-19 to be transmittable through breast milk. Breast milk is a great source of both nutrients and antibodies for your baby!

How can I protect my newborn from COVID-19?

  • Effectively practice social distancing by staying 6 feet apart from those who don’t live in your home

  • Avoid those who have recently traveled or been exposed to the virus

  • Your provider may also recommend discontinuing work at 37-38 week and getting tested for Covid-19 to further reduce your risk and all other birthing individuals.

  • Practice proper hand washing and wear protective gear when going out in public areas

    • With this in mind, try your best to limit your exposure and only go out for essential things

    • Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after coming into contact with surfaces in public areas such as grocery stores or gas stations

      • If soap and water aren’t readily available, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol

  • Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing, and immediately wash your hands afterwards.

  • Avoid touching your face and your babies face if hands have not been recently washed.

How can I cope with this stress?

  • Take some time away from social media sources.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises or engage in a bit of yoga to loosen the build up of tension in your muscles.

  • Getting your heart rate up helps release natural chemicals in the brain that naturally make us happier, so exercising regularly can significantly help if you are feeling overwhelmed.

  • Take the time to talk with friends and family about how you’re feeling.

How can my doula support me during this time?

At High Country Doulas, we are committed to providing you and your baby with the best care, no matter the physical limitations. Our services and classes are still available virtually and in-person (limited seating & precautions taken) and our team is devoted to helping navigate the emotional hardships this pandemic has inflicted. Pandemics and times of uncertainty can cause a great deal of stress to arise for anyone, especially during this time of our life. However with the help of our dedicated doulas focusing on supporting all of your needs, you can conquer the uncertainty of this time!


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