Posts tagged childbirth education
Boone Birth

“Having a doula was such an amazing experience. They were there for me throughout my pregnancy answering any questions or concerns that came up, no matter what time of day. They talked me and my husband through every stage and step of labor, helping us ease our worries. They were there to physically hold me up at times when I could not do it alone during labor. They helped support mine and Evan’s wishes and goals for labor. I could not have asked for a more encouraging team to help in our birth experience!."

M.P. — 1st time parent

Tasha & Brandon

“I could recommend High Country Doulas for every aspect surrounding birth, labor and postpartum. Even if you just take classes, they are so helpful—informative and interactive. I gained knowledge to make more informed decisions and be able to have the birth experience I’ve always wanted. Chelsey and Allison were my doula team and I’ll be forever grateful for them! Chelsey was with me during labor providing emotional and physical support. The comfort measures she provided played a key role in being able to have an unmedicated birth. It was amazing and transformative. I will always hire a labor doula and you’ll be glad you did too!

I would also highly recommend them for placenta encapsulation (amazing benefits!), belly binding, and postpartum support. I honestly wish I would’ve have hired them for a couple of overnight stays.

No matter what, I promise you won’t regret hiring them for any of their services!”

Tasha — 1st time parent

Getting Prepared

“The postpartum class was super helpful! I felt prepared for either a vaginal or C-section recovery. We had to relocate and recover in a new place and we spent the most time in the NICU with our son. I was able to bring all the right things that made that awkward healing process as comfortable as could be in that public bathroom.

Labor went so quickly, we didn't get to use any of the comfort measures, but it was helpful in that my partner and I went into labor feeling fully prepared.

The infant feeding class also helped us feel more confident. We haven't been able to even try breastfeeding yet, so I've been pumping exclusively. Hearing Chelsey talk about how magical the colostrum and milk is has motivated me to keep at it, no matter how limited my supply is.”

Sybil Smith

Sarah Welsh

“What I found most helpful was my doula’s ability to connect with me in a friendly, familiar, supportive, intimate way. I felt like I was being supported by a lifelong friend even though the hospital was our first meeting. I will always remember the love shown to me through massage, essential oils, unwavering attention and care, beautiful conversation. The eye contact and direction was especially meaningful when it was transition and pushing time.”

Sarah Welch— 2nd time parent

Kelly and Jonathan

“Class with Allison at HCD was invaluable! She equipped us with so much useful information that we used during our birth. She also shared warmth and built our confidence in the birth process and went out of her way to make us feel supported. I would highly recommend HCD to anyone considering! It was such a great decision for our family and helped us have the birth we hoped for.”

Kelly & Jonathan — 2nd time parents