Meredith & Matt

"I had heard of doulas before but hadn’t thought it was necessary for me. To be honest, it seemed like a very “crunchy mom” type of service. However, my eyes were opened through this experience. My doula was such a source of support for me and my husband. I immediately felt connected with this stranger and was able to place my complete trust in them. Just looking into her eyes during a contraction or a push was so grounding. She believed I could do it so I did. I now would never consider giving birth without a doula!

The whole experience was just so positive for me. [She] never tried to make decisions for me. She would remind me of my options, what I had expressed to her, and talk it through. The midwife who delivered, O’Neil and Dr Harvey, all spoke highly of the High Country Doulas group and their ability to not interfere. I thought that was very telling of the service."

– Meredith M, First-time mom

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