Hormones and Birth

Have you ever wondered what hormones are released during childbirth? Well, today we are here to tell you about all the exciting hormones that help you during the birthing process. We hope that you find this useful.

The main hormones during labor and birth are oxytocin, beta-endorphins, relaxin, and adrenaline. One hormone that will be highlighted, which is released during the postpartum period is prolactin.

The Love Hormone ~ Oxytocin 

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. This hormone is triggered throughout periods of sexual pleasure, breastfeeding, and during labor. Now that you know what triggers oxytocin, we will examine how it is released. Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and then goes through the pituitary gland and into the bloodstream. Oxytocin stimulates the muscles of the uterus to contract and boosts the production of prostaglandins, and this increases uterine contractions. In labor, you may need to be induced and administered, via IV,  synthetic oxytocin to increase stronger contractions sensations. Synthetic oxytocin may also be administered after birth to prevent or treat bleeding.

The Happy Hormone ~ Endorphins

The name Endorphins often mention the happy hormone. This hormone creates a pain-relieving effect and an overall calming sensation. Similar to Oxytocin this hormone is released during pregnancy, sex, and breastfeeding. Endorphins are released via the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in response to pain, giving you that good sensation. According to pubmedcenteral.gov, they stated “High endorphin levels during labor and birth can produce an altered state of consciousness that can help cope with the process of giving birth. High endorphin levels can make future mothers feel alert, attentive even euphoric after birth.”

How To Increase Oxytocin and Endorphins During Labor?

Privacy: This can be hard to achieve when you are giving birth in the hospital, so your flow may get disrupted. That’s where you need support in the room so that they can advocate for you and to ensure that no one comes trying to disrupt your flow. Two things that can aid in privacy are dimmed lights ( this is relaxing for the eyes, it can easily switch your mind into sleep mode. It also alludes to the intimacy of the moment), and doors should be closed ( you shouldn't feel like you are being observed or exposed). 

  • Safety: Trust and physical comfort are the two keys to feeling safe. Everyone around you should be supporting, respecting, and listening to you. Lastly, you should feel comfortable, wear clothing or not (just get naked)! Whatever makes you uncomfortable, release it. 

  • Connection: You need to feel loved during this moment and a great way for others to support you is by giving hugs and kisses, soft looks, and gentle words. 

  • Nipple Stimulation: simply rubbing or pulling at your nipples will help to release oxytocin. 

Sex!: Who doesn't like having sex?... Well, maybe some people 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Earlier we discussed that sexual activity can help to promote the production of oxytocin. Having an orgasm will help stimulate oxytocin and this can help you during the birth process.

Relaxin ~ Hormone 

🎶Chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool 🎶 

Relaxin is a hormone that is produced by the ovaries and placenta. The purpose of this special hormone is to relax your muscles, joints, and ligaments during pregnancy to prepare for the birth of your little human. No one is certain just exactly what triggers the release of relaxin. Relaxin production starts to peak around the end of your first trimester, then picks back towards the end of your pregnancy preparing you for the process of childbirth.

The Stress Hormone ~ Adrenaline  

Fight or flight is a reference that many associates with this frightening hormone, Adrenaline.  When you are feeling threatened during labor or you are experiencing severe pain you may produce high levels of adrenaline. Adrenaline is produced in the medulla which is in the adrenal gland when a stressful event happens adrenaline is released into the blood sending impulses to organs.  An increase in the production of adrenaline can be caused by not feeling safe, calm, or having privacy; this can inhibit the release of oxytocin. An upside to the production of adrenaline is the sudden rush of energy feeling which will cause several strong contractions and will assist you in pushing. 

Ways To Decrease Adrenaline During Labor

  • Staying calm, comfortable, and relaxed 

  • Informed and prepared 

  • Being in a calm, peaceful environment and avoiding conflict 

  • Low lighting 

  • Soothing music

Honorary Mention ~ Prolactin 

There are many hormones that influence the release of prolactin which are endorphins, oxytocin, estrogen, and dopamine. Dopamine and estrogen control the production of prolactin in the pituitary gland. Moreover, prolactin is a hormone that is responsible for milk production. After birth, progesterone levels drop, and then there is an uptake in the number of prolactin receptors in the mammary alveolar cells thus allowing for milk secretion through your nipple. The milk components created in the alveolar cells are lactose (the carb), Casein (the protein), and Lipids( fatty acid, energy provider). 


  • Nipple Stimulation (Suckling & Pumping frequently)

    Hormones can bring on all sorts of wonderful, dreadful, and thrilling emotions, especially during childbirth. We hope that you enjoyed this delightful treat from us, make sure to utilize the tips and tricks we have included to decrease/ increase the production of these lovely hormones. 


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Dessinger, H. (2021, February 13). 18 ways to increase oxytocin for a better birth. Mommypotamus. Retrieved January 30, 2023, from https://mommypotamus.com/how-to-increase-oxytocin/ 

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