Your Guide to Childbirth Education

We understand it is not easy to decide what classes to take and when. We want to make it easy for you to make a plan that works best for you and your family.

Our childbirth education instructor (local doulas & childbirth educators), have the knowledge of local hospitals and birth facilities. This knowledge can help offer more support than any predesigned, prerecorded online class that you may or may not watch. Our instructors pre-existing relationships with providers and hospital policies will help you know specifically what to expect.

Included support from us:

  • A Free Follow-Up Consultation - access to your instructor for questions and consults

  • A Comprehensive Resource Packet that is packed full of helpful information with resources discussed in class and local resource referrals that can connect you to providers and support that you may need after birth.

Between 16 and 28 weeks…

Helpful Tip:

Take these classes before your baby shower/sprinkle. Our instructors give you lots of input on what you may need, want and prefer for you and your baby.

  • Learn the must-knows about getting a great start with breastfeeding and other options for feeding your baby in this 2 hour class. Plus a bonus Pumping, Expression & more E-guide.

  • Prepares you for the joys and challenges of caring for your newborn in just 2 hours. We give you the advantage of understanding what to expect and how to support your baby’s transition from the womb to in your arms.

  • Prepares you for the most challenging aspects of early parenting; postpartum recovery and early newborn care in our 3 hour class.


After 28 weeks…

Helpful Tip:

After 28 weeks you are focused on baby and things are usually winding down. By taking these classes further into your pregnancy they will be fresh on your mind as you move closer to delivery.

For our Labor Doulas Clients:
Our Doulas recommend taking our Childbirth Education classes
(BIRTH Complete or BIRTH Express/Comfort Measures Bootcamp) prior to your scheduled Prenatal visit at 36 weeks.

  • Our 6 hour course that drips the knowledge over either two 3 hour or three 2 hour classes! Includes Comfort Measures and the Golden Hours!


  • Our Express class prepares you and your partner for the big day! Pairs perfectly with our Comfort Measures Bootcamp.

  • Our hands-on techniques for labor support, shared and practiced in this 2 hour active class. Perfect for partners to gain confidence and understanding of easy ways to provide support to birthing parent. Emotional and physical aspects of birth at all the stages and the tools to help you cope with labor.


  • Gain a realistic look at what your 4th Trimester will be like and how you can both make plans to ready yourselves and your home to create spaces, prepare yourselves mentally, plan for household management, look at your support options, make the most of your maternity/paternity leave, and utilize your resources well.


Keep in mind: This is just a basic guide on when to consider taking our classes.
Everybody’s circumstances are different. We are here to help make the best plan that fits into your life and schedule! Schedule a time with one of our educators to assist you in navigating your Childbirth Education journey today.